Can You Cross The NYC Marathon Route

Publish date: 2024-05-03
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You and the NYC Marathon: A Tale of Two Sidewalks (and Maybe Some Desperate Crawling)

Ah, the New York City Marathon. A glorious display of human achievement, fancy running shoes, and existential dread at mile 20 (looking at you, friend who swore they'd trained). But for us, the non-legging-clad masses, a different question arises: can you even cross the darn street?

The Great Wall of Sweat (or, Road Closures 101)

The answer, my friends, is a resounding it depends. Because during the marathon, certain streets transform into a no-man's land (well, no-walker's land) for pedestrians. Imagine the course as a giant, sweaty lizard slithering through the city. You wouldn't want to get in its way, would you?

Navigating the Lizard: A Guide for the Determined Pedestrian

In Conclusion: Crossing the Marathon is Possible, But...

Yes, with some planning and a touch of strategic maneuvering (or a well-timed tunnel escape), you can conquer the NYC marathon course as a pedestrian. But be warned:

So, the next time the NYC marathon rolls into town, remember: with a little creativity and a good pair of walking shoes, you too can navigate the urban jungle – even when it's populated by a herd of determined runners. Just don't forget the hand sanitizer – those high-fives can get…interesting.

