Can You Own A Sbr In California

Publish date: 2024-05-28
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California and SBRs: A Match Made in...Bureaucracy?

Ah, the SBR. The Short-Barreled Rifle. A compact, tactical friend for those who like their firepower manoeuvrable. But in the sunny state of California, where avocados are abundant and gun laws are...well, let's just say extensive, can you own this little titan? Buckle up, because this is where things get interesting.

The Straight Dope (with a Side of Nope)

Here's the not-so-fun news: Owning a standard SBR in California is about as likely as finding a politician who tells the whole truth. California Penal Code 33215 throws a wrench (or perhaps a whole toolbox) into that dream, making possession of these "short-barreled rifles" a big no-no. Don't even think about it.

California considers an SBR to be a rifle with a barrel shorter than 16 inches or an overall length less than 26 inches. So, if your mini-missile launcher on a stock falls under those measurements, it's a big ol' nope from the Golden State.

But Wait, There's More! (Maybe...)

Hold on to your hats, because California, in its infinite wisdom, loves to giveth and taketh away. While SBRs are a no-go, there might be a glimmer of hope for those who crave a more compact firearm. Enter the AR pistol.

Now, AR pistols are a whole different ball game (pun intended). They have some key differences from SBRs, but they can offer a similar feel. The key thing to remember is that navigating AR pistol legality in California requires traversing a legal labyrinth. We're talking specific features, overall length, and a whole lot of "maybes" and "it depends."

If you're thinking about going the AR pistol route, consult a lawyer specializing in California firearms law. Seriously, don't be a hero. This is not a DIY project.

So, Can You Own an SBR in California?

The short answer (like the SBR you can't own) is no. But, there are alternatives to explore, with the ever-important caveat of getting legal advice first. California gun laws are complex, and what might be legal today could change tomorrow.

Remember, knowledge is power, and in California's gun world, a good lawyer is your best friend. Stay safe, stay informed, and maybe stick to surfing instead of shooting short-barreled least within state lines.

