How Do I Access My Texas Tech Email

Publish date: 2024-09-09
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How to Access Your Texas Tech Email: A Guide for the Technically Challenged (and Us Regular Folks Too)

Ah, email. That glorious (or sometimes dreaded) invention that keeps us connected to professors, friends, and those Nigerian princes offering us untold riches (probably a scam, by the way). But for some of us, especially those who are technically challenged (don't worry, we've all been there!), navigating the world of university email can be as confusing as deciphering a calculus textbook written entirely in emojis.

Fear not, fellow Red Raiders! This guide is here to shed light on the mystery of accessing your Texas Tech email, even if your computer skills are still stuck in the era of dial-up internet.

Are You Team TTU or Team TTUHSC? A Crucial Distinction

Before we dive in, there's a vital question: are you a student at Texas Tech University (TTU) or the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC)? It might seem like a minor detail, but it actually determines which email system you'll be using.

Remember, this is a friendly competition – there are no winners or losers (except maybe those Nigerian princes). Just different email highways.

Team TTU? Buckle Up for Google Goodness!

Alright, TTU comrades, let's get you on the Google train. Here's what you need to do:

  • Head over to your trusty web browser. Google Chrome is ideal, but hey, even Internet Explorer will work in a pinch (although, let's be honest, it's like using a horse and buggy in the age of Teslas).
  • In the address bar, type this in:
  • Now comes the fun part: login time! Enter your eRaider Username (the one you use for everything else at TTU) and your eRaider Password (don't share this with anyone, not even your pet goldfish – they can't be trusted with online secrets).
  • Voila! You're in! Now you can send sassy emails to your friends, complain about that brutal calculus exam (we feel you), and maybe even score some sweet discounts with your official TTU email address.
  • Pro Tip: Feeling fancy? Download the Gmail app on your phone or tablet. Emails on the go? Yes, please!

    Team TTUHSC? Get Your Microsoft Mojo Flowing

    TTUHSC crew, let's conquer the world of Microsoft Exchange! Here's the plan:

  • Just like Team TTU, fire up your web browser. Remember, browser choice is all about personal preference (unless you're still rocking Netscape Navigator – then it's time for an upgrade, my friend).
  • In the address bar, this is your URL:
  • Login time! Enter your eRaider Username and eRaider Password (same drill as Team TTU – keep those passwords secret!).
  • Congratulations! You've unlocked the magic of TTUHSC email. Now you can exchange those important medical school notes, impress your professors with your research findings, and maybe even use your email to snag a killer deal on a stethoscope (because who doesn't love a good medical supply discount?).
  • Bonus Tip: Feeling overwhelmed by all those medical school emails? Set up some folders to keep things organized. Trust us, your future self will thank you for this.

    Conquering Email: You've Got This!

    There you have it, folks! A crash course in accessing your Texas Tech email, no matter which team you're on. Now you can dominate the digital world, one email at a time. And remember, if you ever get stuck, don't be afraid to reach out to the TTU or TTUHSC IT department – they're the email superheroes waiting to save the day (or at least get your inbox back in order).

