How Do I Find Out If I Get In The London Marathon

Publish date: 2024-07-16
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The Great London Marathon Ballot Result Sweatfest: Will You Be Gracing the Streets (or Grunting Incoherently)?

Ah, the London Marathon ballot. A time of year filled with nervous energy that rivals your first date with that questionable Tinder match you swiped right on in a moment of weakness. You applied, you hoped, you maybe even practiced your celebratory dance (emphasis on maybe because who dances after a marathon application, amirite?). But now, the big question looms: Did you get in?

The Email That Launches a Thousand F5s

The results for the 2025 TCS London Marathon typically land in July ([dramatic music swells]). Be prepared for an email with the subject line "Your 2025 TCS London Marathon Ballot Result" because refreshing your inbox won't make it come any faster (although it might be a good stress reliever if you're into that kind of thing).

Pro Tip: Don't be that person refreshing their inbox every 2 seconds. Patience is a virtue, even in the digital age.

The Results Are In... Now What?

Celebration Time! If you snagged a spot, it's time to dust off your running shoes and fire up your favorite motivational playlist. There's a whole year of training ahead, but that's just another excuse to buy cute workout gear, right?

Commiserations Corner: Didn't make the cut this year? Don't despair! The London Marathon is notoriously competitive, but there's always next year. Drown your sorrows in a healthy smoothie (or your beverage of choice, no judgement here) and check out the FAQs below for alternative ways to snag a spot.

FAQ: Your Burning London Marathon Ballot Questions Answered (Finally!)

How to find out if I got into the ballot?

The results will be emailed to you in July. Keep an eye on your inbox (and maybe avoid that spam folder just in case).

How can I increase my chances of getting in next year?

Consider donating your entry fee when you apply. It gives you an extra chance in the draw!

How else can I enter the London Marathon?

There are other ways to secure your spot! Charity entries, good for age places, and even packages through tour operators are all options. Check out the official TCS London Marathon website [TCS London Marathon] for more info.

How do I train for a marathon?

There are tons of training plans available online and through running apps. Don't forget to listen to your body and fuel those runs with proper nutrition!

How much fun is the London Marathon?

On a scale of 1 to "running the streets of London cheered on by thousands," it's pretty darn epic!

