How to remove Gem from socket in Diablo 4

Publish date: 2024-08-31

Diablo 4 allows players to massively buff a weapon's stats by socketing gems, which can be found as drops by taking down enemies and opening chests around the vast world. Gems can enhance the health, speed, resistance, and damage of both weapons and characters. However, you must unlock the jeweler to assign and remove ornaments from a compatible weapon.

If engraved with the perfect combination, buffed weapons can eventually one-shot enemies and turn the tide of a battle. However, players may sometimes need to remove the gems for many reasons, such as fuzing the wrong gem or replacing the ornament with a more powerful variant.

This article will guide the users through the process of removing Socketed Gems in Diablo 4.

Guide to remove Gem from socket in Diablo 4

Weapons in Diablo 4 do not contain gems engraved in them. As mentioned earlier, you will be required to manually hunt for them as loot from dead enemies or by finding chests around the map.

The game allows an official way to remove gems from your weapon in exchange for a small fee. However, a Reddit user named u/Gold1 has highlighted another way to skip through the process of paying the compensation fee.

It is to be noted that you must reach level 20 before unlocking and accessing the jeweler, who will engrave and remove the gems according to your preference.

Removing Socketed Gems by paying the jeweler

The formal method to remove socketed gems in Diablo 4 is as follows:

  • Visit the Jeweler in Kyovashad, the main city of the first zone.
  • Interact with her and select the unsocket option on the top menu.
  • Click on the icon below the "Directly in Inventory" option and tap on the weapon.
  • This will remove and place the gems in your inventory, making space for the weapon socket to assign the preferred set of gems.

    Removing Socketed Gems without paying the fee

    This method will only be helpful if you no longer require the socketed weapon. Although this will avoid the unsocketing fee, this will salvage the weapon resulting in the permanent removal of it from the inventory.

    The steps to remove Socketed Gems in Diablo 4 without paying the fee are given below:

  • Go to the Blacksmith and talk to him.
  • Select the weapon containing the gems and proceed to salvage it.
  • This will deposit the gems as well as the raw items in your inventory. You are recommended not to select the "All Junk" option as it will ignore the salvaged items, resulting in them being permanently lost.

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